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Tascam FW1082 Headphone distortion during recording

So I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem. To answer your preliminary questions; the headphones are fine and no it doesn't happen in playback. At first I thought it might have been a bad jack, but how could it be the jack if it doesn't distort during playback? Also, it doesn't matter how low my levels are when recording, it still distorts.

jamming with headphones daisy chaining mixers how? HELP!


i live in an apt in new york city and can't disturb my neighbors.. I play drums but at home I use an electronic drum kit and have been practicing with my friends using headphones to monitor ourselves and we'd record sessions into my computer using the rca tape outs. I have only been playing with one musician at a time so a dual headphone splitter worked fine until now.

I need headphones that won't leak out sound

I currently have Behringer headphones that I use for monitoring. The problem is they don't trap the sound very well and leak into the mix when I'm recording. I want a good pair for strictly recording with. Something that will trap the sound and not show up on the mix. Something that would have a tight fit. Anyone have a suggestion?

unignorable buzzing in headphones using new Tascam multi

I purchased a Tascam DP-02fx/CD 8 track recorder yesterday, this is my first home recording purchase. I plugged my strat and headphones in and immediately had an annoying buzz constantly through both headphones, it's definitely not the guitar. Also when switching from mono to stereo I only get sound in the left headphone, i'm doubting that thats normal but I am a newbie at this.


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