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Should I mix with my crappy headphones, or crappy speakers?

Well, I don't think my speakers are "crappy" really, but I don't think they're meant for audio recording either.

Headphones: Cheap wraparound the head ones that were popular about 6 years ago.

Speakers: Logitech z4, cost me about $70. Sound great for movies!

Don't really have the money OR the space for something else right now

Good intermdiate pair of studio headphones

I have a pair of decent headphones as it stands right now, they were about 50-60 bucks a few months ago. They are consumer phones, and do not provide flat (or anything near it) response. So rather than dropping 500 on a pair of KRK 8's at this time, I am looking to upgrade my phones. Looking to spend around 200, hopefully less.

the best $250 (and under) headphones are?


i'm buying headphones soon. my current choice are Sony MDR 7506.

is that money well spent? i live in an apartment, so, monitors or speakers are not an option. i WILL rent 'real' studio time for a final mix one the "rough" work is done at home. the "rough" work will need to be done on headphones.

any recommendations would be welcome.

question about headphone output

i have a friend who is using a cheapo keyboard that has only a output in headphone output form that he would normally use to play in silence but he recently started using it to connect directly to his pc for recording in Audacity my question is how good of qualility is that really for him?you know its just one headphone hole, should he upgrade like i think?