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headphone preamp and headphone questions - thanks in advance


looking for a decent headphone preamp that myself and two friends can use. i am looking at the following items from musiciansfriend:

Behringer HA4700 Powerplay Pro

PreSonus HP4 Discrete 4-Channel Headphone

Nady HPA-4 Headphone Amp

does anyone have experience with these or can you recommend a headphone preamp for 3-4 users?

Good pair of headphones for listening music.

Hello! I am a musician and I am looking for a pair of really good headphones to listen music with the most quality posible, I like to listen all the details, all the instruments, all voices clearly, all the efects, how where the digitations done, etc...
My budget is around $200. I was told the Sony mdr 7509 are good in that price. What do you recommend me?

Using the headphone jack on my Powerbook to mixdown

I just bought a G4 Powerbook so I'm wondering.. Is there a better way to get quality mixdowns from my Powerbook than just going 1/8" headphone out to RCA left and right on my standalone Philips CD burner?
I'd like to get the best quality for a reasonable price.

I'm not at home to look at the Philips CD burner, it may very well have: