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Headphone Distribution

Can anyone explain to me how big studios run their headphone mixes.

I am usinig an ART headphone distribution amp that will run 6 Sets of headphones. I am currently running them from the control room to the rest of the studio. I was reading some other threads and they say that running headphones more than 15-20 feet can cause some unwanted noises.

Headphones and Recording- General Question!

Im in the midst of buying some new headphones for my talent. Now usually when the talent is laying down his vocals, he likes to hear the music coming through the headphones really LOUD.. We use Pioneer's HDJ 1000, and i know they area DJ headphone, but when i go to play back the vocals, the sound from the headphones is being picked up by the micorphone..

Headphone Impedance

I'm looking at the AKG 240, Sennheiser 280, and koss pro4aa headphones. Most of the studio people that I know have experience with the AKG and like them, but say that they are quiet and should have a headphone amp pushing them. They were saying that it has a high impedance (I think). From what the specs say, it's 55 ohms. The Sennheiser is 64 ohms and the koss is 250 ohms.

Location headphone monitoring...

Looking at my options again when it comes to headphones. I've been using the Sony MDR-V700 DJ cans which aren't bad, but aren't fantastic either... They seem to translate pretty well, but the darned things are horribly built. I can't even count the numbers of pairs that I've broken, and true to Sony's wisdom, it costs more to fix them than to buy new ones.