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Audio Mastering


Hello everyone,

I'm looking for advise on what I need to provide my customers with when mastering a song.

I've been able to get good reviews from my already standing customers and was wondering if anyone has advised as to what the songs need to have as far as specs:

i.e 16 bit recording, 44.1 kHz.

Mastering Analog Processor Budget: $12k

I'm gonna be trading in some old equipment and getting all new stuff for analog mastering (comp, eq, limiting).

Will be using my same Bowers and Wilkens 805s, B&W Sub, and Bryston Amp for monitoring.

So, if you had $12k budget constraint for analog mastering comps, eq and limiting, what would you get?

Need advice on transferring songs to get mastered.

Hi, I am playing in a band that is making a full length recording with a Fostex :? VF-160. We are complete on the mixdowns and now want to have it mastered by someone else before pressing discs. I cannot find out the best way to get the songs to the person who will master them.

getting my music professionally mastered - scared as sh**!


So my band "The Injured List" just got signed and my recordings will soon be going off to Spectre Mastering studios in Washington, they have a very professional space and their discography is rock solid!

I'm just scared to death that my recordings in the end will sound like sh**!