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Mastering For Vinyl...


I feel that I have done a good enough Job but not for vinyl, I need an expert to do that. So where can I find one? Are there companies out there what specialise in mastering peoples work, prepairing it to be pressed onto vinyl? Are you one of these people? PLease assist me because Im having no luck what so ever in finding someone suitable.

Thank you. Regards, Adam.

Newbie - Mastering LIVE recording - echo, reverb, bass issue


Through a friend's suggestion, I have found my way to this forum to get a push in the right direction toward "cleaning-up / re-mastering" a LIVE U2 show that was recorded in the old Seattle Superdome. This venue is (was) a MASSIVE concrete structure, made for baseball and not a rock show. As a result, there is much "room noise" and "reverb / echo" present.

New Mastering Speakers

I am looking into some new mastering speakers. I went to a couple of shops to hear the new B&W 802Ds but neither shop had them hooked up so I have been invited to go back when they are hooked up. I am also looking at the ATCs and the PMCs. We currently have ALON I vs with a Bryston 4B amplifier and a Benchmark DAC-1 head end.

Mixing for loud masters!

I'm just curious. I read somewhere (don't remember where) that in order to achieve loud levels in mastering you have to mix your song a certain way. but they didn't say how.

Now my question to all ME's out there is, what must a mix have, or not have, to get a maximum of level without squashing it or getting undesired pumping?

I'd appreciate any comments.