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Naming SOnar MIDI Inputs

Please excuse me if this is obvious. I have been using Cakewalk products for many years and seem to remember always seeing OMNI, 1, 2, 3...16 for the MIDI inputs on the track. The MIDI output always shows the actual MIDI port name. Now I use three different MIDI interfaces and would like to be able to direct a specific MIDI in to a specific MIDI out.

system exclusive mesages MIDI

Could anyone please help me out.
How do you tell your sequencer program(I use cakewalk) to transmit system exclusive mesage
(for instance: change cutoff frequency) to your
midi synth.
(I've menaged to record this information from JX-8P to cakewalk and now It's saved in sysex wiew, but I don't know how to activate this thing back to the JX-8P.)