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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

best monitors for dance/electronic

I am thinking of getting some new monitors to replace my Genelec 1029+sub and I am looking for suggestions.

My room is 11Wx12L x10H and i have a moderate amount of bass trapping ie: 4inch rockwool in the corners where it allows.

I like the Genelecs to a certain extent but the bass is always boomy and wooly sounding.


Need your opinions about which powered monitors to buy

Hello all,

I'm in the market for new monitors... I'd like to get powered monitors this time around. I currently use Event 20/20 passives with an Alesis RA150 poweramp.

The Events have pretty flat bass response... i know that is generally desirable, but I'm doing dance music and I'm finding that when I bounce down out of Pro Tools my subs are out of control.

I have created Auratones

Had fun today, here's what I did. Finished mixing a song a couple of days ago and i had borrowed one Auratone speaker from my neighbouring studio for mono-vintage-radiobroadcast-midrange-sounding monitoring. I usually do that to finetune mixes, tells right away if something sticks out too much. Returned the Auratone and missed it right away.

monitors required budget is 1200$

i as now proceeding to get the best possible monitors pair for my home studio up to 1200$ priced, and i ve been suggested for Genelec 1029A pair.
on the websites price is between 1100$ and 1200$.
what i would look in the monitors features basically will be dynamics at low and high volumes. bass, treble and mid response.


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