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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

Need advice for Monitors - Amplifier - Console connection...

First of all, i'm an amateur/hobbyist in the field so my knowledge is somewhat limited...

I have a Technics SU-Z22 Amplifier and I was thinking of buying a console(Soundcraft Compact-4) and a pair of Tannoy Reveals(passive - less money since I have the amplifier) for home recording.

Headphones as reference monitors?

This comes out of the "Importance of great monitors" discussion:

One guy's opinion was that:

"The discussion happening here seems to largely consist of people talking at cross-purposes. Surely there are two types of 'monitor'.

1. A reference monitor for giving you maximum info on mic placement, source quality etc.

event monitors for tracking/mixing

Hi all! I know these won't fit the "exclusive pro" standard, but how would you rate the event 20/20 bas V2? I've heard the old ones, but not the new. I allways thought the oldies deserved a second look, they weren't all flat but, once you got to know them, and to know how they handled lo freqs, mixes would translate very well. So I'm curious about the new ones...
