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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

NS-10t... Anyone?... Kurt?

Hi. I have a home studio and use a pair of NS-10T's w/ a Hafler power amp for monitoring and have looked EVERYWHERE on the net for some info regarding these speakers but to no avail haven't been able to find squat even requested info from Yamaha, no luck. I was wondering if anyone could tell me anything about these speakers? For instance, are they as good as the NS-10S and/or M?

Is this a good Deal? RME9652+2X ADA8000+monitors+h/p amp

I am looking for a setup and found this on Ebay Australia. Is it reasonable value for a starter rig

2X ADA8000 8 chan pre's with converters
1X pair M-Audio Bx5 monitors
1X sm pro audio headphone amp

Starting at $1800.00 AU I think thats about $800.00 US


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