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Studio monitors are loudspeakers in speaker enclosures specifically designed for professional audio production applications, such as recording studios, filmmaking, television studios, radio studios and project or home studios, where accurate audio reproduction is crucial.

Yamaha NS10 Studio Monitors - Recording ORG

Studio Monitors To Choose From. .

I need to buy new studio monitors, i have few choices such as
KRK Rokit 8,
Mackie HR 824,
Event 2020bas V2 Bi-amp,
Event TR8,
Event studio precision 6,
and Genelec 1030A.

What would you suggest,what are your opinions, and what are your expiriences?
Has any one own KRK rokit 8, are they accurate?

Thank You Very Much.

ADAM 3A vs Genelec 1032A or 1031A

i am going to upgrade my JBL LSR 32 monitors. I have short listed above monitor. Please suggest me the better one. I am afraid of ADAM's ribbon Technology, Is these tweeters r rigid. In JBL I have problem with tweeter, (tweeters in JBL are very delicate). Please tell me wat to do?
Thanx in advance :D

monitors 6" or 8"

Hi there, the q is, if i want to have good low sound it has to be a 8"
but t get better mid sounds it should be 6", or at least that's what i've heared while tryin out as many monitors as i can.
So what is the really best choice b-tween them.
Or should i buy some full range speakers?(Twetter - Squawker - Woofer) and forget about two way systems.

decent enough powered monitors for around 150-200?

I need help buying monitors for tracking/mixing, I want ones where I don't need an external amplifier and i don't have very much money. I want them to be decently accurate, and they don't have to be EXTREMELY loud, as I don't like to listen super loud when i'm recording and mixing. Thanks!

looking for monitors

is there anyone who owns any of the krk rokit series...I'm thiniking of buying an rp 8...or v4
how wuld u compare these with monitors like m-audio BX8. this would be first one that I'm buying because I'm just a starter...i just want to buy the best at this price range.. and my music productions are more guitar oriented ...i use lots of guitars


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