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PreSonus Firepod vs MOTU 896 HD

What's the general consensus?

I'm looking at the possibility of selling my firepod and getting a MOTU 896HD

What are the pre's like on the MOTU? better than the firepod?

The MOTU seems to have more/better features than the firepod.

The price is not a massive issue... but obviously i want to know that the extra £300 is going towards worthy improvement.

MOTU 828 mkII & Uad-1 - Which Mobo/CPU to choose?


I'm looking to upgrade my PC, partly because I can't seem to get rid of clicks/pops from my MOTU firewire... Tried just about everything.
And of course I'd like a faster machine for my Cubase use...

Anyone using a combination of the 828 and UAD-1, with no problems? and if so - which Mobo/CPU do you use?

MOTU 828mkII, random squealing noise

I have a MOTU 828mkII that randomly makes a really annoying high pitch squealing. It does this in when I am recording and playing back in Cubase and when I am just listing to Itunes. I have a PC with windows XP SP 2, but I have done the fix where you download the patch from MOTU and another from Microsoft and chance the regisry etc... Still with the random noise.

MOTU 828mkII, Cubase 1.03, can't monitor plugins?

I just upgraded from a Mobile Pre, and I have used Delta a few years old, and have never had a problem with this before. I can't monitor the plugins anymore. They are there during playback, but where are they whe I record. I looked in both manuals and I can't find anything... I am wondering if I have forgot to set something, or something I (obviously) don't know about?