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possible tv music gig: need insight from someone who knows

I, through an extremely lucky connection, have an opportunity for my music to be placed on a major network channel (as fill music) as well as an opportunity to compose pieces for various other things they need.

I have never worked with this sort of relationship before so I am wondering, does anyone know:

Mastering classical music



As a classically educated musician also fooling around with a home studio in rather different genres than the classical, I recently came to think where the mastering of classical music differs from mastering rock, popular and jazz music; or is there any difference at all? And in a home studio, if trying to make a "home studio" master, which approach would you take?


How can a soundtrack musician get noticed?

How can a soundtrack artist get noticed like James Horner, Hans Zimmer, etc? I've been trying my hardest, but I just get small commercial jingle work, and PSA work, and maybe a couple of my friends movie soundtracks, but that's it. I have a ton of songs that cater to the soundtrack listeners, but that genre is hard to get noticed because I can't perform.

Classical music on location recording what do you think

Hi, my name is Paul. I am electrical engineering student in the latter half of my BS degree, and happen to be a violinist. I have been recently investing some of my time on the behalf of my girlfriend’s interest to do some small on location recording. This interest of hers is driven by her graduate application (ma and phd) requirements for her degree in music composition.