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preamp compressor/mixer signal path

Hi Everyone,
I just bought a Drawmer 1960 pre/comp, and I have a few questions about how I should hook it up.

I want to run a couple of Neumann TLM 170s through it to record Vocals and/or acoustic Guitar.

I have a Soundtracks Topaz 24 channel desk and I'm running into a MOTU interface and with 24 bit analog inputs.

I want to split my audio signal

I am in a band. When we play out I take my 16 channel board. I usally split the microphone signal (using my pre-amp) on the lead vocals. That way I can send 1 channel (1/4" mono) dry to the board from the pre-amp. And the SPDIF out goes to the Eventide DSP 7000 Harmonizer and the XLR out goes to a Lexicon PCM 81.
1 channel---dry
2 channel---left Eventide DSP7000

Signal path question (I think?)

In my current search to settle on the most simple yet highest quality I can afford DAW set up I need to understand how the signal path works from converters to software and back again. Having only had experience with my all in one PTLE (001)/G4 set up (no additional front end), I'm not sure if what I'm envisioning actaully works.

Mixed signals about my mixed bits

My signal wants to go out of my 'puter, to outboard effects, then back to 'puter.
I have limited in/outs left on my soundcard (until I upgrade). I now have:

1 @ S/PDIF I/O (or aes/ebu)
1 @ toslink I/O (this actually acts as a split off the spdif)
2 stereo analog inputs (4ch)

I also have 2 outboard effects I want to use that need routing:

Signal from tape to digital too hot

I want to go straight from my tape machine to my digital interfaces. The probelm is I hit tape really hard and when I go straight to the intrfaces they clip. I'm trying to avoid going through the preamps again. There is no gain reducer on my interfaces so I have to do it before it hits them. Any sugestions?

Switch for toslink optical cable inputs (8 channel signal)

I need to be able to switch the toslink cable inputs for two D-A units. The messy way is to manually move the cables around which is a headache. Can anyone suggest a switch that can handle the bandwidth of an ADAT signal without disrupting the optical signal.

I have tried one from maplins but I suspect it was only designed for S/PDIF because I get errors in the signal.