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Which soundcard for new Mac G5s ?

Hi you all,
I am considering upgrading from a G4 to G5 (which one is to be discussed later...), so my Audiomedia III will be have to be dropped except if I chose a G5 1.8.
My questions are, at this time:
1/ which card do you think is the best (rapidity, least latency, sound quality). Within a reasonable price range (200 to 300 $) for a home studio.

Upgrading Home Studio PC Sound Card... HELP!

I am currently operating on Windows XP Home; AMD Athlon XP 2200 1.8G Processor 512M Ram and currently have a crappy Aureal Vortex 1500.

I am recording with Cakewalk Home Studio 2004 XL. Mainly recording pop and dance music.

I want to upgrade to a midrange pro audio sound card and most likely the processor too.

Any suggestions? Thanks!