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which soundcard to use?

hi i'm new to this site. actually this is my frist post. i have a Tascam us-122 soundcard that i've been using, but i need more inputs now. i've been getting better and i'm able to record full bands now. i'm looking to buy something that can record 8 tracks at a time. what should i go for. i've been looking at the m-audio 1814, and also the delta 1010.

Two Sound Cards With Cool Edit Pro?

I'm having some issues here and I can not figure out what the problem is. I have an audiophile 192 that I use for recording vocals and guitar but I use my soundblaster live for playback through my headphones. The problem is that I can't hear what I'm recording through the headphones until I actually record it and then play it back.

sound card and recording interface suggestions welcome

ok so ive been recording my band for about a year now (full songs for download at ), and when i started i knew nothing about recording, nothing. so anyway, i was wondering if you guys have some suggestions about what hardware to use. I'm sure youve gotten this question a billion times but I'm going to ask anyway. ok here's what we have right now for our setup: