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mixing with Sonar low volume

when i get done mixing something with Sonar 3.. the levels look good, the sound wave levels dont look too loud or soft.. they are about 75-80% at their peeks. but when i mix it all down to a wav, the sound is much too low. how do i fix this. and can i increase the volume on each track by Xdb without it distorting? should i mix with them at their loudest level or what?

Commercially acceptable volume

Hello. I am brand new to the forum and have been spending a lot of time reading this forums' archive.

I am not a mastering engineer but it is really challenging stuff. So I decided after about three months of studying and a bunch of trial and error on my own recordings I would say 'yes' to a home recorded mastering job.

Here is what I was/am up against:

Headphone Volume / Distortion


I'm trying to improve our headphone situation. Basically I'm finding that the headphones (DT100's) distort at what I'd call medium volume. We have six pairs of these and they all seem to do it. I'm driving them from a Behringer powerplay headphone amp in mono. I'm wondering if headphones distort at different levels according to how their impedence match the amp.

Commercial Volume level

Could someone give me an idea of what chain you would use to obtain commercial volume levels specifically rap & r&b.(It a db war). The technique i use now is to lower the bottom end with multiband compression(c4)to reduce overload, compress everthing else about 6-9 db then eq the bottom in back in. I know there is no fix all method but there has to be a something thats commonly done.