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Very low input volume! Bizzare, yet troublesome problem.

EDIT: Whoops! Sorry, I think I may have posted this in the wrong forum. Mods/admins, I think it should be moved to "Home, Project Studio." Thanks!

Alright. I have a huge problem. I posted this on several forums, but I just recently found Hopefully, I can post here and get some more input on my troubles:


Volume problems: Recording direct and mic'd

I'm trying to basically y-cable my PODxtLive so I can record direct and mic my Atomic at the same time (same performance). This allows me to blend the channels as well as just using one track or the other. The problem is that there is no master volume on the Atomic so in setting the Pod volume to get a good/clear direct level the Atomic becomes WAY too loud.

Mastering Volume

I record, mix, and master in Sonar through a MOTU 828. But something weird happens during mixdown...When I'm done mastering and I export the final audio from Sonar, there is a volume discrepancy. What I mean is, when I mix down through my MOTU 828, the final product is MUCH quieter than when I mix down through my crappy SB Audigy Soundblaster card that came with my computer.