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So here is the question. How many pairs do you guys normally buy/build your snakes for orchestral recordings? It is rare that I use more than 2-4 mics but I used to use the occasional spots that would bring the count up. Anyone going with a modular setup? Say for lack of a better term detachable fans or boxes with various lengths of main snake.


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datiko Sun, 04/18/2010 - 04:10

TheJackAttack, post: 343972 wrote: So here is the question. How many pairs do you guys normally buy/build your snakes for orchestral recordings? It is rare that I use more than 2-4 mics but I used to use the occasional spots that would bring the count up. Anyone going with a modular setup? Say for lack of a better term detachable fans or boxes with various lengths of main snake.


Usually I use 8 channel snake.
Actually I have two 8 channel snakes but there was just two concerts where I used both.
In addition I have pair channel snake on drum which is very handy and quite often I use one 8 channel plus pair channel drum.
I guess its difficult to record big orchestra with soloists (especially if there is a piano) without good snake. :)

TheJackAttack Sun, 04/18/2010 - 08:04

Thanks for they reply. Currently I'm running two Canare 12 pair TRS snakes-which one depends on the job, often no snake at all. One is 100' and one is 150'. I also have a 90' Canare stage box 8J12N12 that has the ability to attach another trunk/fan with an NK27-32 Canon multipin. I was anticipating in the next couple years some expansion in my concert recording and was trying to figure out if I needed to go another direction.