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I'm looking for an FMR RNP.
Where's a good trustworhy place to order an
RNP besides Atlas or Mercenary?

Thanks a lot.

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anonymous Thu, 08/04/2005 - 16:24

When you say you want a good trustworthy place to order one "besides Atlas or Mercenary" are you saying that you don't think that they're trustworthy or that you want another trustworthy dealer like them?

In any case there's a list of dealers, including a few international dealers, [[url=http://[/URL]="http://www.fmraudio…"]here[/]="http://www.fmraudio…"]here[/], and you can buy direct as well. And I wouldn't base my decision solely on a listening test put together by one person with one set of're always best off trying it out for yourself if possible, although in your situation that may not be possible or practical.


David French Fri, 08/05/2005 - 08:33

Note that I didn't mention Kurt's opinion, nor did I link to them; I merely linked to the audio examples which you can listen to and decide for yourself. That's what I did, and to my ears the RNP was slightly worse than the Mackie; however, this is only one mic and intrument combination, so it's far from a total test, but take the results as you will.

I own a Sytek MPX4a. In my experience, it provides clean, uncolored gain, and to my ears, it's been batter than cheap board pres i've used. I don't think the Sytek is anything special, but it's a good workhorse pre that won't mess up your signal.