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hi all..
i have a big problem with my ms2000r. if someone could please help me out..i tried the boards and forums but cant find a solution..and no I'm not a ditsy girl goes..

for the last few months, i noticed that it takes loner and longer to switch between the sounds..then some sounds wouldnt play at all..

today,while in the middle of recording a track,my friend pressed something and now nothing works.

it turns on, and i can scroll through the diffrernt sounds+menus, but midi isn't registering and no sound comes out of the 1-16 buttons work if i press the keyboard button on the left (out of the outs or headphone port)..

i tried the firmware upgrade and am now running 1.7 (though it says 7 on the screen) i think..
i did the menu->2d->global/program reset and still nothing..
i did the re init: hold mod scrolls through the menus, then freezes on midi and says something like "midi loop error" sound comes out of the outs, but a sound like a layered midi time code comes out of the headphone port..

my setup is: m-audio keys->MOTU microlite->2000r midi in->2000r midi out->microlite..via Pro Tools 6.9 on xp quad 4gb ram..

thankyou all so much in advance...:)