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Choosing mixer


I'm selling of all of my former project studio stuff to start over again. I'd really like a 24 channel mixer, and was sort of set on the Mackie 24/8, but now I've heard so much bad things about it that I can't go through with buying it.

Which mixer at this size and price-range is better? Should I get an older one?

How HOT do you guys/gals record into PT?

I know there has been topics on the Pro Tools DUC on this, I just did a search. How hot do you folks record into PT? I just read an article in Home Recording where a guy states that he gets as hot a signal as possible, and would rather have a few clips happening than to turn the gain down. He wants to make sure he uses all his bits.

FireWire drives for 828


At MOTU's site they say Glyph M Project is ready to go (and it's got the MOTU look and rackmount). Also can be easily daisychained with the MOTU 828. The big problem here is the price.

For a couple of hundred bucks less there are some other choices like OWC, but would like to read some opinions on this issue first.

Question on replacing pickups on a Jazz Bass

I just purchased the Fender Custom 60s pickup set and I'm trying to replace my pickups. I can figure out the wiring fine except for the little plates that the pickups sit on also have a wire soldered to them. One plate has a long metal stem (about 3 inches) coming from the center of the plate.
My questions are:
What do you solder the wires to?