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HD vs. . 2"

Ok, I took some drum takes that I was pretty happy with and dumped them from an MCI JH24 to an HD2 system with 192 I/O's. I opened 2 sessions, one at 192K, one at 96K. I was able to listen and compare to the tape machine. The 196K session was amazing and virtually indistinguishable from the 2".

Dolby unwrap

Anyone know of a software plugin that can convert standard stereo or dolby stereo to surrounf 5.1? Like the TC electronics Unwrap or Z-systems K6 processor.
Been fiddeling around with manual remixing the stuff but I got a feeling that it shouldnt be to hard to make something like this, most of these processor basicaly devide the channels on their stereo spread and frequency.

Hill Audio Ltd. info?

Hello all. Do to recent hell that I will not go into I am in need of a new (for me) console. While a 16 channel would be ideal, I've just stumbled across a 24 channel desk by Hill Audio Ltd., made in Hollingborn, England.

I've been able to run down a little info and an informed opinion, but was wondering if anyone here could elucidate?

Anything at all would help.

Neve sidecar

ok, so I'm thinking bout getting a little Neve 5432 sidecar with 8 channels of 34128 pre's.
anyone have any extensive experience with these sidecars? or do you have any specific insights on the 34128 pre itself? right off the bat I know I will have to get an ELCO multi-pin cable made in order to get direct outs on each channel.