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Who We Are: "Every Now and When"


In preparation for our upcoming album drop.

Inches from completion after a years efforts during plague times. Very minor things to wrap up.

Please enjoy - and feel free to comment about anything that comes to your mind. This is it in its entirety.

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

Polarity vs. Phase - Why do I need to know this? (video)

Polarity and Phase are 2 things that anyone who does music production needs to master.
Even if you only have a home studio, as soon as you start to use more than one microphone to record or if you are doing a lot of overdubs with the same instrument and mic.

Knowing what phase and polarity are will help to avoid mistakes that can diminish the sound quality of your music.

Sample rate problems

Hello everyone. I’ve completely torn my hair out. This problem is so frustrating that this is my first time ever asking for help and advice on a message board. Here’s what I’m using. Studio one 5, an Avid Eleven Rack as my recording interface, this is connected to my recording computer which is an hp z602 with 96 gigs of ram and 2 e5 Xeon processors.


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