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Mastering - Client Etiquette


Hey guys,

Hey guys, Im going with my project to mastering next week, first time really mastering.

I dont reall know the engineer, and Ive never went to him before. Is it reasonable to ask him to listen to a mix this week? or is that something that you would already need a relationship with your ME for.

I dont want to seem unprofessional.

PLEXTOR Reliability not so hot lately


I've purchased 4 PLEXTOR PX-716A drives since last December. The oldest has started to have reliability problems burning DVDs.

I installed a brand new one in a new audio PC the other night. I think it lasted all of 15 minutes before it refused to recognize a CD. I replaced it today with another brand new one and everything is fine.

Analog vs Digital


Just out of curiousity and because this always seem to "strike a nerve" with a lot of people. Hypothetically, if you had your choice and analog was as "convenient" as digital format, which would you choose to master with? I'm curious to see what the pro's will say. Most of you guys that are working in the "higher end" studios are still using analog a lot anyway, right?