Rotating microphones?
My question has to do with whether the diaphragm of a side-address condenser picks up sound evenly on all 360 degrees, or if it "hears" best in the upright position relative to a source.
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Grand piano + 2 ev blue mics = wide frustration.
I'm musician new to this forum and quiet new to recording DIY.
(I tried to use search button for my problem but couldn't find any answer)
I have two Electro-Voice Blue Cardinal mics and nice baby grand piano, external sound card and few very good softwares.
Here is data of mics:
Mics for a Songwriter
I tried to A/B some mics at the local stores but they never let me A/B all at once so here i am. I am assembling a small home studio in a house we rent so it is not acoustically treated.
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Best dynamic and/or condenser microphone for solo performer
I play both an acoustic guitar and a mandolin and do vocals through an Ultrasound 50 watt amplifier pointing out towards the audience. At times, I will have an additional acoustic musician. I have 15 volts of phantom power available for a condenser mic.
Mic placement for Upright Piano.
Anyone have any suggestions for recording an upright piano? It seems that there is a ton about recording grands, but not very much for uprights. My parents own a Huntington Piano Co that they have kept in tune for as long as I can remember. I'm borrowing a pair of NT5 and I thought I'd test them out on it. Has anyone had any luck with certain mic placements?
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Mic question...
I will admit beforehand than I am a beginner in recording and recording equipment just in case this is a dumb question.
I need to record with four microphones but the recording device I use only has two microphone inputs... What do I use to solve this problem?
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Recording female voices on a "warm" mic?
What kind of results can I expect from this?
I'm a budget studio owner who only owns one condenser mic, an AT3035. It runs thru a GT Brick preamp, an FMR RNC1773 condenser, and then thru my E-MU 0404 PCI card into Cubase SX3.
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Another microphone question. or two. .
Hi all;
Just want to pick the brains of all those who record live soloists in classical settings, with ensembles behind them.
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Laptop recording: external mic-in vs. USB
Moved from a different thread:
RemyRAD wrote: The only thing that goes into microphone inputs on a computer is computer microphones. Not studio microphones. Not phonograph cartridges. Just $3.98 multimedia microphones. That's all that should be plugged into those anything else is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
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Mic to PC connection question...
Apologies if this subject has been covered before, but I've hit a problem and I'm hoping that there's someone who can answer a question.
I'm currently trying to connect a microphone to my PC. The mic in question is:
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