suitable pre for RODE NTK TUBE MIC. .
hi guys i just purchased RODE NTK TUBE MIC...can anyone suggest me the suitable PRE...for this mic...i recorded it direct first..on songs like ballads or slow tempo song it really sounds warm.. and on the fast songs it is'nt sounding warm... why is that. can anyone explain this to me...
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Blue Mics
where do you guys think these stand up to the Neumanns, Gefells, AKG, AT's and all the other mics that get spoken to around here. My singer recorded his old album using a Dragonfly and it sounded pretty sweet. That, also coupled with the fact that Focusrite sells that deal with the Trackmaster along with the Baby Bottle for under $800, or something?
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How is RODE NTK TUbe...
hey guys i bought RODE's NTK Tube mic. so far i really loved it on the vocals... can some experienced guys in here tell me wht would be the best use of this mic...
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Blumlein figure 8 mic suggestions
I am going to record a church choir and wanted to capture the ambiance of the room. I gathered from other posts that a Blumlein setup would work well for this, as I do not want a complicated setup with lots of mics placed all over the place. Does anybody have a recommendation for a good bi directional mic?
Some names that I have come across are
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Sax mic
so i showed up to a friends reasturaunt gig and saw they had the sax micked with a 58. I thought to myself, i wouldn't use that, but realized i didn't know what i would use. Any suggestions? Maybe i'm wrong and a 58 is fine. Thanks.
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who knows what drum mic technique was used in.
just curious if anyone knows what drum Micing techniques were used by any of todays albums available in stores/heard on the radio. it seems to be the consensus with everyone i know personally(which isn't saying a whole lot where i'm at), to mic every top skin with a dynamic, a condensor over the hi hat, and a stereo pair of condensers over the cymbols. and i know about placement and all that.
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Whichsequence ? MicPre -> EQ -> Comp/Limiter -> AD-
For record a mic to harddisk I will use a Mic, a EQ, a micPre, a Comp/limiter, and the AD converter.
In what order should I connect them ?
1. MicPre
2. EQ ? or Comp/limiter ?
3. Comp/Limiter or EQ ?
4. AD converter
Anybody can explain me the way ?
Thanks very much.
Sputtering noise in mics
Hi all
I have a tube mic that intermittently makes a sputtering noise. I've had that before on other mics, but it was caused by condensation and easily fixed. I know a faulty tube can cause this as well.
If the above causes can be ruled out, is there another reason why this should happen?
John Stafford
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Rapco Mic Snake
I've been reading up on the sonic differences in mic cable, and was wondering if someone could lend an opinion about the mic snake I'm currently using.
It's a 30' Rapco XLR snake with 24 XLR and 4 TRS. The strain releif on the box is black curly plastic. It runs between my live room and my control room.
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Mic question
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