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So far unhappy with Royer R-121 Ribbon mic. just me?


Hey guys, just picked up a Royer R-121 mostly for elec gTRS and so far I'm pretty unimpressed. Anyone else have this experience? Now, I have only used it for a very short time so I havn't got to experiment much. (that's my disclaimer) I had a band in today doing elec gtr and percussion overdubs and the Royer got the boot on all the percusion and some elec parts.

Neumann KM-183


I've done a search and found very little about this mic. Has anyone here used it? I'm rather intrigued by the spheres that can be attached, and the changes these make to the sound in real world conditions. When these are attached, the assembly looks like the innards of the tlm-50. How does the sound compare with the 184 and 183?

Thanks in advance,
John Stafford

Which XLR Mic Cables would you buy?


hi All,

I've been digging around and around trying to answer this question by web researching on my own, but I'd much rather hear from you.

What mic cables do you like the most?

My equipment is an Apogee AD/DA MiniMe (two channel), a pair of RODE s NT5 condensor mics primarily for acoustic guitar, and a Studio Projects T3 large condensor mic for vocals.

Mic closet recommendations


Here's a list that I decided to compile that may help those of you who are asking what are the "studio standards" when it comes to mics. These are the ones I think are a a bare minimum requirement, the "must have" to run a respectable project or professional studio. The up side is this is a complete "wish list" which should serve almost any pop production house.