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Help with Routing outboard effects to digi002

Hi there, I am having probs with routing my out board fx to my 002.
I have a Soundtracs Topaz console 32 ch, urei compressors,roland tape machines, a fairchild reverb unit & a ANT w695b eq + a host of other
analog equip.
Want I want to do is use my original tracks and re record them in realtime using my effects as we produce dub style music.

Pro Tools or cubasew/ fw-1884

I need some advice for what to buy everyone says go with Pro Tools but Pro Tools le only has 32 tracks at 48khz and Cubase le has 48 tracks at 96khz and it dosent cost 10,000 dollars to upgrade it to a better program like Pro Tools does. And with Cubase i can get the fw-1884, have 8 mic preamps and a control surface for the same price as the digi 002 rack.

Line input

I want to purchase a dbx 286A, and it has a mic input (with a preamp) and a line input. Can I use the line input tu plugin an e-guitar? It says the line is 30k-60k Ohm impedance. This is high impedance (high-Z), right? 'Cos I know that the e-guitar is high impedance, so it should fit... Am I taking this the wrong way or something?

Logic Express or upgrade to Cubase SL?

I have an iBook 1.2GHz with 756mb RAM. I'm getting an interface bundled with Cubase LE, which means I can get an upgrade to SL for about the price of Logic Express.

What I'm primarily after:

1) A user-friendly interface. Something intuitive that I can pretty much figure out without reading the manual thoroughly.

2) A drum sequencer that plays .waw samples.


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