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Thorax or 2000e?

I want to track vocals and acoustic guitar. They will be blended with keys, bass and drums direct, and violin by mic. Should I be looking at the 2000e yielding 2 channels for a stereo image for the guitar, or is a Thorax a better choice and have a duplicate track created for the mix?
I'm assuming the Thorax would be the preferred item for the vocals.

how many plugins can you run on your mac/pc

just bought a mac dual 2.5 with 1536 ram

testing my computer i have been mixing a song with around 35 tracks (around 18 max at the same time) with around 40 plugins and some 15 track automations! ocasionally the processor clips but it manages fine the load!
I use digital performer 4 and latency is almost none!

what about yours?

A question about Steinberg's wavelab 5

I made a recording of a vocalist and guitar but after the recording played it back and found that there was too much guitar and not enough vocals in the mix. Is there any way of splitting up the sound with wavelab 5 or anyother program so as it can be remixed, bearing in mind I only have one WAVE file.



Sequoia and Lost ASIO buffers

I know this is a bit OT in the acoustic RO forum, but its still related to acoustic music.
(And I did not get any reults searching RO)

I've been tracking opera this week and running a back up system with a RME Multiface conected to a HP powerbook through the RME cardbus interface. the PC running Win XP pro and Sequoia 7.22 (recording 4 stereo tracks at 24/44.1).

Voice Pro software from Gallery?

Hi everybody, I recently started work at a software company that does all of it's mutimedia production in-house. We're currently recording and editing audio in Sound Forge but were looking at purchasing a program like the Voice Pro package from Gallery ( that is talor made for our method of producing large amounts of audio clips based off of a script.

Quad Pan Pot or Joystick Surround Controller

Hi, My name is Bill Amato. I do sound design for theatres in the cleveland ohio area. In July we will be doing a production in which I would like one of the effects to be the sound of whispering that travels around the audience by means of a manual control. Is there some form of joystick controller for this?

Mac or PC for Protools

I was just wanting some feedback on pros and cons of these two.
I was look ing at getting a PC built by sweetwater using Digidesign specs. When I asked the sales guy what the hype for the macs was he said "your just paying for the mystery and cooldaddy status of having a Mac". Whats up with that? I'm buying a Digi 002rack LE . Anyone?


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