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My budget $4500.00


I am pretty much a newbie to home recording. Recently I put up my first web site which led to an interest to high quality recording. So...after recording several tracks at a friends home studio the first piece of gear I got "sold" on was a Manley Dual Mono Mic Pre...

My question is. what do y'all think of my first home studio equipment list, any suggestions.

Starved Plate? Fake Tubes? *is confused*

I have heard tube pre's described as "starved plate" or "fake tubes" at times... is starving a plate or whatever inside a pre a way to get tube emulation? and if it is a starved plate design will it actually advertise as real tube technology? is this something I need to be cautious of? even if it isn't, I'm still curious, please clear the fog for me :lol:

thanks in advance

Chesky "Bonger Tests" clipping

Re track 25 "Bonger Test" on Chesky JD37 audiophile test disc, recorded by Bob Katz:

When played, even at low volume, I can hear distortion (clipping) in the -3 and -13dB tones. When I extract the audio file to my hard drive and examine with an editor, I can clearly SEE the clipping. (FYI, there is no clipping on track 26, the Bonger Test created with "standard A to D.")

Product Placement in Rock Videos

Has anyone noticed that the same mics appear in a lot of rock videos. This is quite interesting, as I've seen several videos on MTV that feature those 'spontaneous' recording sessions with U87s for example on tracks that I just happen to know were recorded with different mics. Of course you see a lot of SM58s as well, but I can understand that if people want to get a sort of 'live' look.