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Deuterium compared to VMP


I'd like some advice...

I'd like to get a good quality pre-amp and DI, which i will use mainly as a DI but i'd also like a good pre-amp for occasions when I do mic recordings. Currently I have a Joemeek VC6Q which is OK but i'd like stereo and a good valve unit also. I'll be using it a lot for recording synths and processing samples.

I need help with a mixing / summing soution.

Hello again all.

I am trying to figure out what would meet my mixing requirements.

The gap I'm trying to fill is the following:

Mics -> Hardy M1 (3 channel) and Focusrite Liquid Channel -> LynxTWO cards -> DAW -> LynxTWO cards (DA) ->

GAP for analog mixing and summing solution - insert recommendation here...

Sonar has stopped starting up for me :-(

Well I've been using Sonar 4 PE for about a month now, and i recently installed a few plugins and now Sonar won't start. I get the SONAR splash screen and than nothing. The midi I/O activity icon appears in my clocktry, but no Sonar project window. I've done the 4.1 update but i didn't get the new update yet. I wouldn't think that i would HAVE to get an update in order for it to work.


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