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is this a terrible idea, or just a bad idea?

Ok, my father owned a night club for a very long time. it closed recently, and he said "grab all the gear you can get out of there before they lock the doors on me" so my friend and i hauled away everything we could get our grubby hands on. this includes a Mackie 24.4 VLZ (I'm guessing only really for live stuff) and a bass cab/ampeg SVT-3 head combo. here is the question:

Help with a new home studio setup...

I'm looking to get a home studio going, here is want I'm looking to get, let me know what you think and if there is anything I should do different. Its for mainly rock bands and acoustic stuff, I want at least 8 pres for Micing drums.

I was looking at going with the Behringer ADA8000 but heard the Yamaha mixer would be a better choice. Anything else I should look into?

Focusrite or Avalon or?

Anybody have or heard any good things about the Focusrite products? I am looking at the MH441 (or) the MKII. The write up on this unit says it uses Neve based preamp designs.
How do they compare to Avalon products?
FYI---I am looking for a vocal preamp and also would like to get one to use on my drum mic (kick mic)
All suggestions are welcome! :D

Need Help revamping frontend from a connectivity stand point

Guys, I have $7000 to revamp my front end. It has been a small project studio. I am looking to purchase a good mic preamp, converter, and cables. My question is, what will need to be replaced in my chain in order to connect to the mic preamp and converter? I record only vocals (R&B).

sidechain gate in Cubase ?

Ok i want to achieve that : "heres a kick trick, run a 50 hz. oscillator tone thru a gate, with the kick going into the sidechain (key input ) of the gate and dial it up so the kick triggers the gate to open and pass the oscillator signal "
i ve got my kick track, and my 50 hz sine track, but i cant figure out how to do a sidechain in Cubase anyhelp?



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