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Foldback for O2R96

I work in the recording studio of a medium size record label in Kolkata, India. We are in the process of changing our entire studio recording equipment. We will be using the O2R96 with Nuendo (MOTU interface).

I'm still very much on the learning curve as far as Nuendo and O2R96 are concerned. I have a specific problem and I hope someone can help me.

Cakewalk Music Creator Pro24

Hey folks,

bear with me as I'm very new to all this. I decided to make a start at some home recording so downloaded cakewalk music creator pro24 from limewire, and i am actually stumped from the start.

it says for me to select the midi outputs, and when i select the one on the popup list, it still asks me to make a selection as "i will not be able to hear anything play"

seb thorax

I was woundering if anyone could explain to me the difference between a channel strip and a mic preamp? Is the thorax the same as the vmp 1000 with the addition of the eq and compessor or is it something to add on to a mic preamp? Sorry if this is a stupid question I tried to find more info by using the search but it wasnt working.

VU meter

Hi Sebatron ,
I have a post in Pro Audio forum. Some models have optional VU meters, and others do not have like 4000e. It is an quite expensive adds-on. :lol:
What is your opinion? Can a Sebatron be possibly damaged without a VU meter? is VU meter in the signal chain? that may affect signal in any way? :roll:


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