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newbie with the 1010LT

I just bought a 1010LT sound card that I plan on using with cool edit pro. I noticed that there are 6 rca inputs and 2 XLRs. from my mic preamps outs (which are 1/4 inch plugs), wouldn't I need a rca adapter from a 1/4 plug to plug it into the sound card's intputs? I think so, but when i do that, that reduces the six inputs down to

AES S.F. and the all new Goodies?

So. For those who went already or may be going on Sat and Sun, what did you see that you liked, hated, laughed at or looking forward to owning/having in the near future.

I'll refrain from my list until I see the rest of all that I missed today tommorow, but there was some good stuff and a lot of it was good old fasion analog!

But don't wait for me, share your thoughts...

Trying to build a VERY COLORFUL analog setup...

I'm trying to buy three pieces of analog gear to use in combination with my DAW.I'm looking for extreme analog color, character, personality, etc. I want to create a very unique analog signature sound. I'm looking at getting 3 pieces of gear: a dual channel compressor, a stereo EQ, and a 16 channel mixing board.


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