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Advice for recording Steel Pans

Hello, I was wondering if anyone has experiece recording steel drums and could give me advice. I am a newbie but have done live recording with rock/blues bands but never acoustic instruments. I have 2 SP C4's and some sm57's what would be the best mic's for the job? is it better to mike the top or the bottom of the drum?

Any insight would help.


I was wondering if anyone has had success or trouble multitracking onto laptops...

I'm afraid if I go out and grad a pretty nifty laptop that I will suffer horrible latency and problems actually mixing the music...(laggy / horrible performance)

I'm thinking a 2.0+ghz core 2 duo
2 gigs of ram

And can I record directly onto an external hd? too much latency?

Macs! intel vs. . IBM

so ive been looking for a mac for quite some time and now that i have money want to get one. So what I'm asking is their any disadvantage to getting an older g5 with the ibm processor? and if so would the 20" imac (Intel) with 1 gig ram and the 2.16ghz work well? Im running firepod and Cubase 4 but would eventually like to upgrade the interface to may a fireface.

Whats a good software for mixing,multitracking and recording

I use Adobe Audition 2.0.

My Computer is:

Pentium 4 3.2
512 Ram
Windows Xp SP2

Recording Interface:
PreSonus Firepod
Shure SM57

I'm looking for a good program (not audicy or sound forge)

Something that would work on for everything.

I have Cubase sx3 but i havent planned on using it.
