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Where in the chain, do I place my meter?

I just purchased a Logitek outboard LED meter -- 4 channel (as in two stereo metered pairs).

On one pair, I want to meter the outputs of a hardware synth or other analog source before my outboard mixer (which has no meter).
On the other remaining meter inputs, I want to meter the mixer's output. .before it reaches my DAW's soundcard.


Tascam DP-01 question

Hey guys, I'm new to the site, looks like a good thing going on here. Anyways, I have a Tascam DP-01 multi-track digital recorder. Once you're done working on a song on it, you can hook up to your computer through USB. Well, when I transfer the song files to my computer, it's really quiet when i play it, and of course, if I burn a CD of it, it's reallly quiet too. Any suggestions?


Im working with some Resolv 80a's right now and they seem to lack in some areas, but I'm basically looking to uprade to a good pair that will last awhile. I hear about the Krk V-series alot, but there in the same price range as mine. but anyway if you got some advice on a good pair of Mo's I'm all ears. .I do mainly hip hop so take that into consideration.