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Please Help me

Hi, I use Logic 5.5 platinum and I've started to have problems recording which I never used to have. Im currently trying to record a bass line by the bass into the PC. Logic recognises the bass and records it but it also records anything else that is playing on the PC as well, like the baking track. When the record track is enable any noise made from the PC is picked up on the chanel.

Compress while tracking?

When you're recording vocals do you ever compress the vocals while you're tracking? Because of contraints with my gear I do it, but I don't know if that's a proper way. I know you should run the comp through your Aux channels after the tracks are laid, but I think the compressor helps control the dynamics of a crazy singer, and fattens the track. What do you think? Before or after?

AT 3035 or ?

I dwell in the hip hop area, and I use the Audio-Technica 3035 but I want to upgrade. The problem is, I don't have a lot of experience with a a whole bunch of mics, but I'm thinking about an At 4040, a Rhode NT or up, and mabye an AKG or so. Also I'm using a Grace Design 101 pre-amp so, I'm also wandering, what would be a good mic to go along with the pre? or should I just keep the 3035. .

Need help with AVP, please!

I just got an Antares Vocal Producer, and the sound is barely audible and really staticky. It's like there's a serious hi gain on it, and the volume is way down, and static is all around.'s FAQ said that the microphone needed to be preamped, not directly plugged in. I don't really have a real microphone amp; just a Korg Triton Pro X and a Korg D1600.


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