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Hall/Room Acoustic Characteristics

Hi All,

I'm quite puzzled with how to judge the studio/hall acoustics, and choose the best placement for different instruments in the same space (studio/hall).

One particular problem that I can't put my finger on is when recording in a concert hall, how do I decide whether the mics are too high or too low?

Thank you in advance for all your suggestions!

Question about The Brick.

I was considering picking one of these up because I can get it really cheap. My question is. can you drive the tube to the point of distortion for metal vocals like you can with other tube units? Since it only has one knob I wasn't sure.

Overall would it be a good buy for $300 cash out the door? In my tracking sessions I was going to use it for the following:

Looking for a Vocal Amp, wanting to buy this weekend

Well I'm new here, so excuse me if this has been asked before or I'm in the wrong forum. I tried using the search, yet i cant seem to search by topic only, leaving me with over 400 pages of results :roll:

So, i was eyeing the Alesis Sumo 300. Im looking to just use this for practicing, and maybe as a personal monitor for live performance.

Is There a Way.. Sampling/Editing Question

hey everyone,

is there a way to take a sample (bass, drums, piano melody) and extract the bass line..? ive been trying to fiddle around with low pass filters on the eq, and I'm getting pretty close to removing the excess (the melody, etc), but it seems that the bass is losing some of its flavor. any help and suggestions would be great. thanks.

Yet another converter question

I currently have the Lynx L22 which has great converters compared to your standard audio interface card (at least the ones I've heard). I am looking to get an external DA converter though. My question is, would the Lucid DA9624 be a viable upgrade from the lynx converters or would it be a waste of money considering the the lynx converters are decent?