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Sonifex Converters (!)

Has anyone heard of these?
I just tracked using a sonifex redbox adda and its pretty incredible!
I ve used apogees, still own a swissonic ad24 (which i ll obviously be dumping) and these sound on a par with the apogees at 24 48k and MUCH better than the ad24.
I know they use sonifex da's in Cedar units but not much else. I got mine for a stunning 400£ new ...

sample accurate? help please/audio quality

Ok i have been to my Cubase forum, my 2480 forum and my m-audio forum, needless to say i cannot figure out what is wrong here and now i have a bunch of people blaming another person's equipment which does not help me.

So i am turning to the 1 forum i know i can get a straight answer(s) to this issue i am having.

Ok here goes.

For anyone using an Aardvark Q10 . . is yours quiet?

I have two Aardvark Q10's and like them a lot. Up until recently I had never tried to "offload" sounds from them onto other media (in this case digital audio tape on a DA-88) so the "background" noise that was coming out of the monitor and the other 8 outputs never really bothered me. It didn't get into the recordings either so that wasn't a problem.

Question for those who quantize Audio Drum Tracks

Recently I've been trying a new method of getting that all important drum sound. I've been quantizing all my individual drum hits and replacing them with samples.

I really like this method becuase it gets everything sounding nice and tight, and it seems easier to get those tom fills sounding nice and even.

New preamp - colorless please...

Simply looking for a clean, transparent mic preamp that is versatile. Colored mic preamps are nice but for my applications I really just need a good transparent one that has versatility. I mostly record hard rock clients and the such and would all of you guys' opinions on some good color-less preamps. Please reply with preamp models, costs, and their strengths.