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Adam P11a vs Dynaudio BM6a


I've read most of the monitor posts on this board, just a quick comparison question.

I'm running an Pro Tools HD Accel 2 system, and most of my (analog) recording consists of running a bass and guitars direct into a pre (with the guitars then going into Amp Farm), and live vocals. I don't record live drums or amped guitars.

Starting a home studio, need advice!

Ok, I've got my Pro Tools Digi 002 coming in the mail any day now, plus I ordered a 2nd internal hard drive for my G4. I'm raring to go and really want to set up the best home studio I can for making professional sounding demos and even recording CD's for my band (hard rock leaning towards punk). So here's my quesion for you established home studio users out there...

Yamaha NS344...rare but good?

Hi. I had an offer about the Yamaha NS344, they have the same aspect than the NS10M but larger, 3 speaker and a volume for the middles and the highs.

I don't know if buying theese or the ns10 (here in Argentina are: NS344 at US$250 and the NS10 at US$550, so...)

Thanks everyone and excuse me for my english

Nicolás Nuñez - Argentina.