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importing audio files created on a mac to a PC

I recently recorded a band and they wanted the audio files for themselves so they could mix it on their PC.

I have a mac and use Logic 5.5 and I just burnt the files as they are in other words, in whatever format Logic creates them. I presume they are Sound Designer II files. Anyway, they couldn't import them into whatever sequencer they were using (I think it was Cubase).

jv1080 bulk dump check sum error

I've got a Roland JV 1080 and recently for the the first time ever I got the message "Check Sum Error" when trying to reload a bulk dump I'd saved in my sequencer (Logic). The synth didn't respond to anything - it just kept flashing the message "Check SUm Error" so I eventually switched it off. Then when I switched it on again, the sounds were very strange i.e.

Sonar files to pt or radar>?

i was recently in the studio and the engineer wanted my wav files or broadcast wav files to transport into pro tools and radar.I'm using sonar3 the only way i could give him wav file was to burn it track by track and give it to him that way I'm sure their is a easier way pleeease help.. studio time cost money and time flew by while waiting on each track and the synch them.