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Hey Davedog we got that Biamp board...

Thanks for your help with that Biamp board afew months ago. Once I figured it out it really grew on me. You were right, it is a really nice sounding board and really quiet too. The preamps are quite smooth and all the mixes I have run through it sound great. We got it for a very good price so it was hard to pass up.

We're Beginner's Promoting Our Album

We have an independent label, financed independently, produced independently, and now promoting independently. January 16th we released a Gospel Rap CD of ourselves, and very locally promoted it. We’ve already sold 200 copies, and I know we have at least $1000 in the bank. We just sent for 500 more to be made and they’re on their way now.

way to get HD and save big time.

Just thought I'd share this if anyone was considering to buy a Pro Tools HD system. They are offering a trade in until the end of March that gives you an HD1 system for $2499 when you trade in your Mix core card.

If you don't have a mix core card, do what I did. Buy one off of ebay, make sure you can get ownership transfer, then make sure it's not a refurb, then do the upgrade.