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Old Langevin AM-4 pres

So, thru happy circumstance, I just came into a pair of old Langevin AM-4 channels, pulled off a board long ago. What I've got is just the pres, mounted up with nothing but a power switch and a switchable (20db?) pad. They apparently hadn't even been turned on in 10 years -- power cord gone, had to make one of the 4-prong XLR things to even power it up.

Hedd FATSO soundclips

Hi Guys

Just stumbled onto this site--look very nice and professional

Does anyone have any soundclip comparisions of these type devices. I hear so much about how they add warmth but even their own site won't offer side by side clips

I would love to hear side by side clips at the same amplitude if anyone has any or knows of a site that has them

Thanks guys

I need pro thoughts on multi-effects processors

It seems like every manufacturer has jumped onto the bandwagon with these. I've tried a few, but can't reach a conclusion on which to buy for fear that it will kill my recordings. I might play out with it once in a blue moon, too. I just want to be sure it's as clean and quiet as possible.

Squeaky High Hat Pedal

Hi folks hope all is well.
I am re-visiting some old mixes, and there is a squeaky hi hat pedal.
I had miked the kit up rather sparsely, 2 over heads, one snare and one Kick drum mic.
It seems that the squeak is showing up in both Over Head mics. One less than the other (of course).
Is there any neat way of hiding or masking the squeak?