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Looking for a specific tool. .

Ok, I make electronic music and I have been trying to figure out a way to do something... What I would like to do is to play an audio signal through a device (soft or hard) and trigger the ongoing signal on and off rythmicly. (forgive my spelling!) I'll try to say it another way... I want to use a controller that doesn't say "on and off" per say but rather acts as a gate...

New kit in the house

I took my son to Sam Ash for his first real kit. A birthday present. He blew apart the toy one he got for Christmas (takes after his guitar playin daddy)
On the way over, he was chuckling in the back seat,
"hey dad, you know what? When we're rock stars, all the girls are going to give us their autographs".
I couldn't reply 'cause I was laughing so hard.

Naming a Studio. please help.

I'm trying to name my new place so I can start making business cards etc. Almost all the names I've come up with are taken somewhere in the US or world. Since I'm in TX can I legally use a name of a studio in NY? Can I use the name and do something generic like "studio name--Austin" or someting? Any help would be appreciated.

Pro Tools MIDI issue

Okay, this is my dilemma...I just started running my Pro Tools hook up. Audio works great, but I'm not getting any sound out from MIDI. I've triple checked the connections and I know it's going in because when I hit the keys on my Casio I can see the signal bar raising up and down on PT. Does anyone have any ideas for me? I'm assuming it's a simple usually is. Thanks.

Pres: Voicemaster vs UA vs Great Rivers

What is the opinion of the pre in the Voicemaster Pro? I know this is a channel strip w/ other processing, but I'm interested in pros and cons of the pre section. Does it even touch what the Great Rivers and Universal Audio pres can do? I don't mind spending $1K for a single channel of pre, but if I can get close to that quality for half of that (and get comp.


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