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dual boot config question-OPUS?

Hi all-

I'm reconfiguring my DAW, which (unfortunately) has to sometimes double for other non-DAW uses.
I have kept the 2 separate up to this point by keeping the 2 OS's on different HDs using a removeable drive bay. Worked great, but the bay fan is too loud.

My thought is to take out the removable bay and install all 3 drives permanently like this:

Now we're talkin'! New Neve quad Pre

Check this out! 4 Neve /Focusrite pres for $2K! That's $500 per channel. That is hard to beat!

I received this in my E Mail this A.M. I have edited it a bit so that it is not full of advertizing hyperbole.

Now Shipping: Focusrite ISA 428 Pre Pack
The Focusrite ISA 428 Pre Pack lists for $1,995, and the optional 8-channel, 192 kHz ADC card for $695.

To much gain level

I have to much gain on my basedrumchannel and my overhead channels. I use a Mackie sr24-4 board, atm25 basedrummic. and RODE nt5 as overheadmics. I use the Mackies inserts as direct outs to my soundcard which has 8 balanced inputs. I can't place the basedrummic. inside the basedrum, cause the signal is just to hot, even with the gain fully down!

new studio help

I’m in the process of converting my basement into a home studio. My pc is done but now I need an interface. I was looking at the aardvark Q10 or the Focusrite Octopre. What are the differences between both of these? I noticed the Q10 has midi inputs and the octopre doesn't. What does midi actually do and what do I need to use it? Sorry for so many questions, I’m just starting out. Jeremy


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