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Something other than the Digi 001?

I've been doing research into the Digi 001 for about 8 months, ever since I went in to Guitar center and asked about the next step up from my Roland VS 840ex. The 001 is the only one that they showed me, and all the reviews I have read about it seem to be good. So now I am waiting for the windowsd xp version to come out.

Getting Nashville Snare Sound?

Anyone here have any idea how a lot of the folks in Nashville doing the newer country material manage to produce such a hard hitting - yet extremely transparent - snare? Does anyone know what mic's/placement/EQ is generally being used? It's driving me batty... Too much compression sounds fake, too much volume kills the transparency, and extreme EQ's just sound bad... Any suggestions?

Burner Interface Problems?

Having problems with all my burners. I have a G3 with both SCSI and Firewire burners. I run both Cubase and PT as my main recording software. The strangest thing started happening the other day when I tried to burn a speech file. The final audio file burned to CD plays back a little slower than the previewed program track.