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simple bounce question


I've noticed a little silent space before the selection in the new created file when bouncing to disk. Is it always like that or am I missing something?

I work in a radio station and exact amount of time in productions is often required.

The solution so far has been opening the new file again and cut the edges within the sample editor. Not so funny.

Patchbays -- Punchdown vs Neutrik Spring Loaded?

I'm looking for a good, solid, TT patchbay that's flexible (in that I'll probably want to reconfigure it every so often). My soldering skills suck. So, right now I'm considering getting either one of the Neutrik patchbays that have the "spring loaded push terminals with gas tight connections" or a punchdown-style patchbay. I don't have any experience with either.

SDII icons showing as generic docs, help

After a week of mac woes which involved disk warrior, zapping PRAM, rebuilding desk tops, Norton anti-virus, OS re-installing, Conflict Catcher, etc. the only lingering problem is: All (I mean all) of my SDII file are being represented by a generic document icon. I believe this means that the finder is not recognizing them for what they are, and this will probably lead to trouble.


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