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Summing - What track sounds better to you?

Welcome to our new forum, Track Talk.
I'll kick it off.

The piano isn't the best but the player makes up for it :) I have Sage, my 13 year old playing a few bars of Tarantella for us.
It is the exact same performance, just summed differently. Nice fast attacks for this comparison.

What track do you prefer?

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please help..big problems with ms2000r

hi all..
i have a big problem with my ms2000r. if someone could please help me out..i tried the boards and forums but cant find a solution..and no I'm not a ditsy girl goes..

for the last few months, i noticed that it takes loner and longer to switch between the sounds..then some sounds wouldnt play at all..

problem - excessive recorded tom tom resonance w/ recorded example

Ok, I've got a Ludwig Element drumset set up in a small room that I've treated with homemade rigid fiberglass panels.

And until recently I had a pretty minimalistic mic setup: Shure Beta 52a (Kick), Shure SM57 (Snare), 2 Peluso CEMC6 pencil condensers (Overheads).


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