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compressors for guitar and drum tracks

Hey I'm pretty new to this and i've just started using some compressors on some guitar and drum tracks i've recorded I don't know where to start. Please help! I usually just set the threshold low and turn and turn up the input til i hear it working. Btw, if I want to limit the kick drum i just set the ratio above 10:1? I heard that somewhere. I really need to know how to use these things.

New Heavy Hard Rock Band from Athens, Greece

Hello everyone. I'm a sound engineer from Athens, Greece and with my band we started recording our first Album.My band is called Shadow. It's a blend of all the styles from Hard Rock and Metal music and we try to combine it with our own flavor. Is there anyone here how is dealing with that kind of music ?

Recording hierarchy?

What do you think is the hierarchy when recording? I guess for some things it's obvious. But in terms of gear, I don't ever have a whole lot of money at one time, so I'm trying to figure out what would be the next best purchase. Sorry if there is a thread on this already... These are how I imagine it, though I don't really know at all. Would love to hear some opinions from the pros!


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